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Establishing a VPS with

Establishing a VPS with


It only takes a minute to set up and add a Blend Hosting server! You will be able to create and access your new server with the help of this tutorial.


This tutorial will assume the following:

  1. You have a Blend Hosting account. If you don’t have one yet, you can register here[1].
  2. You have confirmed your billing details with Blend Hosting.

Once everything is ready, we can now start creating our first VPS server.

Creating an account and adding a VPS server

To go to the client area, you must visit this link[2] and log in using your registered email and password.

Once inside, select Add Server from the menu on the left. After that, a new page will be displayed to you.

Enter Server Hostname

In the hostname field, type the hostname of the server you intend to build.

Choose a Dimension for the VPS

Select the size of the VPS server based on your requirements. The available options vary in terms of prices, processing power, and storage capacity. The smallest and most affordable option starts with 512MB of RAM, 1 CPU, and 20GB of SSD storage. The size options expand from there, reaching up to 64GB of RAM, 20 CPUs, and 640GB of SSD storage for more demanding applications. If your requirements change over time, you can easily adjust your Droplet’s plan using the flexible and permanent resize options.

Pick an Image

Select the operating system for your VPS server from the available options, which include Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Archlinux, and CentOS. Ensure that you choose the specific image you prefer, specifying the version and whether it’s 64-bit or 32-bit, from the dropdown menu.

Further Choices

As of writing this guide, the available location option is limited to the USA. However, it’s anticipated that may expand to include more countries in the future.

For additional options, you can choose the backup plan (daily and weekly) and enable IPV6 connection.

Once you’re satisfied with your selections, click on the “Create Server” button below to initiate the server creation process.

Controlling Your Server

Once the server creation is complete, you can click on the “Servers” menu on the left to manage your server. You have various options such as rebooting, resizing, scheduling backups, modifying the network, opening the console, or even destroying the server.

  • Power: This menu allows the VPS owner to reboot, power off, or stop the server. Note that stopping the server will result in a hard shutdown, turning off your server abruptly.

  • Resize: This menu enables you to select a new plan for the server, essentially resizing it based on your needs.

  • Back-Ups: Here, you can view your scheduled backups and schedule new backups.

  • Graphs: This shows your current bandwidth in graphs for 48 hours, 14 days, 1 month, or a year.

  • Network & RDNS: This menu allows you to view the current network settings and add local network and IPv6 addresses.

  • Logs: Displays all the logs for the particular server.

  • Console: Opens up the web console for managing your VPS through the command line from the web browser.

  • Destroy: This menu is for destroying your server. Confirm by typing the word ‘DESTROY‘ and clicking the “DESTROY” button.


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