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Setting up a secure hosting panel and installing ServerPilot on Ubuntu

Setting up a secure hosting panel and installing ServerPilot on Ubuntu


ServerPilot is a rapid and secure hosting control panel designed to facilitate the effortless installation of WordPress and PHP with just a click. Functioning as a centralized platform, ServerPilot streamlines the installation of critical open-source applications like PHP, MySQL, Nginx, or Apache on your server, automatically configuring them for immediate use.

Key features of ServerPilot include automatic security updates, firewall configuration, SSL support, server monitoring, and a comprehensive control panel.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of installing ServerPilot on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit system.


If you don’t have an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit server from, you can obtain one from Blend Hosting.

Before installing ServerPilot, make sure you have a ServerPilot account. If you don’t, please follow the tutorial below to create one.

The installation process for ServerPilot is straightforward and requires only a web browser and a VPS server from You won’t need to connect to your VPS server using an SSH terminal at this point, as the installation is handled by ServerPilot from their Control Panel.

Setting Up an Account on ServerPilot

To create a ServerPilot account, ensure you have a valid email address and password. Navigate to their website at, enter the necessary details, and then click on “Sign Up.” Follow the prompts to complete the registration process.

The ServerPilot account creation process, including entering email and password, on the ServerPilot website

Upon completing the sign-up process, ServerPilot will send you a confirmation email. To verify the validity of your email, click on the link provided in the confirmation email.

Thanks for signing up for ServerPilot! To connect your first server, please verify your email address by clicking the link below.

Note that this link will expire in 24 hours if it's not activated.

Happy Hosting,
Team ServerPilot

Please be aware that the confirmation link included in the email will expire within 24 hours. If you fail to confirm your email address within this timeframe, you will need to reconfirm it.

With your ServerPilot account now created, you can proceed to log in to their website and initiate the process of connecting your VPS server.

Configuring ServerPilot on your system

To connect your VPS server to ServerPilot, log in to your ServerPilot account at

Once logged in, you’ll be prompted to connect your first server using the Control Panel. To initiate this connection, click on the “Connect a Server” button.

Initiating the connection of a server to ServerPilot by clicking the "Connect a Server" button

Complete all the necessary fields, beginning with the “IP Address” of your VPS server, followed by the “Root Password,” and the “SFTP Password.” Ensure that you do not leave the SFTP password blank, as it will be utilized by the “ServerPilot” user for your VPS.

Installing ServerPilot Packages

After filling in the required information, click on “Connect to ServerPilot” to initiate the ServerPilot installation process on your VPS. ServerPilot will log in to your server and automatically install the necessary applications, including Apache, Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and firewall applications.

Clicking on "Connect to ServerPilot" to start the ServerPilot installation process on the VPS

Once all the applications have been successfully installed and ServerPilot has verified that there are no issues with your server, you will be prompted to create your very first app.

ServerPilot installation is complete. A prompt is shown indicating the successful installation of ServerPilot and prompting the user to create their first app.

That’s it! ServerPilot is now installed, and you are ready to proceed with installing your first application, which, in this case, is WordPress.

Creating a ServerPilot App

ServerPilot is an advanced control panel that allows remote installation of applications on your server. In this tutorial, we will install a WordPress application, including a MySQL database for WordPress, in one easy step. To initiate this process, click on “+ Create App,” and you will be presented with a set of required fields to fill out. Here are the details for each field:

  • Name: The name of your app.
  • Domain: The IP address or domain name of your VPS server.
  • WordPress: Check this box if you want to install a WordPress CMS.
  • Title: The title of your WordPress site.
  • User: The username of the WordPress administrator account.
  • Password: The password for the WordPress administrator account.
  • Email: The email address of the WordPress administrator account.
  • Runtime: The PHP version you want to use; typically, the latest PHP version is preselected.
  • Server: The server on which you want to install your app.
  • System User: Usually set to “ServerPilot.” This represents the VPS user who will create the app for you. It’s recommended not to change this setting.

Fill in the required details and proceed with the installation.

ServerPilot WordPress App Installation

After the creation of your app is completed, you will be directed to your application settings, where you can update and delete your application.

As a free user, you are permitted to create, delete, and update the database. You can also update your domain information and delete the application. To access additional features such as Stats, Logs, and SSL, you will need a Coach or Business account. You can review the options available for your plan at

Now that you have added an application, open your web browser and enter your server IP or domain name. You should see a “Welcome to WordPress” page, indicating a successful installation.

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