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Locating Files on Your Linux VPS: whereis, which, whatis, readlink, find

Locating Files on Your Linux VPS: whereis, which, whatis, readlink, find


Efficient file navigation on a Linux system is crucial for locating files quickly. This need arises from various scenarios, such as automated installations or forgetting file paths over time. In this guide, I’ll walk you through essential commands that streamline the process of finding files, applicable across Linux distributions.

On a CentOS 7.4 system, mastering commands like find and locate proves invaluable for efficient file searches. These commands are particularly useful for dealing with complex directory structures or when files are distributed across various locations. The next sections will provide practical insights into using these commands, highlighting their versatility and applicability in diverse Linux environments.


  1. You are currently using a CentOS 7.4 Linux system.
  2. You possess fundamental skills in executing commands on a Linux environment.

Whereis, Which, Whatis

which: The command provides the absolute path to the binary, shell command, or executable. For instance, if you run a command from the command line and wish to determine the precise location of the executed binary, you can use the which command.


For instance

which yum

When executed, it outputs the full path to the binary, allowing you to pinpoint its exact location.

Use 'which' to find the absolute path to a binary or executable

whereis: The command is similar to which but provides more comprehensive information. It returns the location of the binary, sources, man page, and occasionally the path to the configuration file. For instance, running whereis yum will output the following information:

Use 'whereis' for comprehensive information on the location of the binary, sources, man page, and occasionally the configuration file.

whatis: The command returns information about a tool, extracted from its man page. For example, running whatis yum will provide the following output, summarizing key details about the yum command.

Use 'whatis' to extract summarized information about a command, such as 'whatis yum' for details about the yum command


If you have a symlink on your filesystem and want to understand where the file, which is linked to, is located, simply run the following command:


For instance, run

readlink /etc/alternatives/ld

and retrieve the following output

Using 'readlink' to identify Symlink Target


The ‘find‘ command proves to be an invaluable tool for locating specific files, boasting a plethora of options that make it your go-to file search utility. While its extensive array of options can’t all be covered in detail due to time constraints, I’ll highlight some of the most useful ways to leverage its power.

Basic Application

find / |grep 

It’s a straightforward, no-brainer command that effortlessly scans through all directories and returns lines containing the specified word after applying ‘grep,’ either throughout the entire system or within a designated folder.

find /folder |grep 

While it may be on the slower side, the ‘find’ command scans through all directories within the specified directory, making it a simple and memorable option. When no path is specified, ‘find’ operates in the current directory, searching through all subdirectories. Below, I’ll demonstrate a variety of useful ‘find’ patterns to enhance its practicality:

Searching for a File in the Current Directory Using 'find'

find . -name <filename>
Finding File in Current Directory with 'find'

Searching for a File in a Specific Directory Using 'find'

find <dir> -name <filename>
Finding File in Specific Directory with 'find'

Searching for a File Ignoring Upper and Lower Cases of Characters Using 'find'

find . -iname <filename>
Finding File Ignoring Case with 'find'

Searching for a Regular File with a Specific Extension Using 'find'

find -type f -name <filename>.<extension>
Finding Regular File by Extension with 'find'

Take note that ‘testfile1.conf,’ despite having a ‘conf’ extension and being a symlink, is not displayed. This is because it is not a regular file but a symlink. It’s important to observe that the ‘-type’ option provides various choices, including:

File is of type c:
b block (buffered) special
c character (unbuffered) special
d directory
p named pipe (FIFO)
f regular file
l symbolic link; this is never true if the -L option or the -follow option is in effect, unless the symbolic link is broken. If you want to search for symbolic links when -L is in effect, use -xtype.
s socket
D door (Solaris)

Searching for All Files with a Specific Extension in a Directory Using 'find'

find . -type f -name “*.extension” for example find . -type f -name "*.conf"

Finding files by extension with 'find' command

Once again, it’s worth noting that the symlink is not displayed, for the same reason as before.

Searching for a File with a Specific Access Rights Inside the Directory Using 'find'

find <dir> -type f -perm <4 digit permission> -print

For instance

find /root -type f -perm 0600 -print
Searching for File by Access Rights with 'find'

Searching for all Executable Files Using 'find'

find <dir> -perm /a=x

For instance

find /sbin/ -perm /a=x
Finding Executable Files with 'find'

Searching for a File with a Certain Owner Using 'find'

find /path/to/search -user username
Searching for File by Owner with 'find'

Searching for a File with a Certain Group Ownership Using 'find'

find <dir> -group <groupname> <filename>
Searching for File by Group Ownership with 'find'

Search time options:

You can locate files using specific time patterns with the following examples:

-atime : last access time in days
-mtime : last modify time in days
-cmin : last change time in minutes
-amin : last access time in minutes
-mmin : last modify time in minutes

Command appears to be

find <dir> <timeoption>

You can use the following command to find all files in the current directory that were accessed 10 days ago:

find . -atime 10

To find all files modified 10 days ago in the current directory, you can use the following command:

find . -mtime 10

To find all files changed in the last 33 minutes in the current directory, you can use the following command:

find . -cmin 33

To find all files accessed in the last 33 minutes in the current directory, you can use the following command:

find . -amin 33

To find all files modified in the last 33 minutes in the current directory, you can use the following command:

find . -mmin 33

Finding Files Based on Size Using `find` Patterns

find <dir> -size <size>

To find all files that are exactly 10 GB in size in the current directory, you can use the following command:

find . -size 10G
Finding Files of Exact Size on Linux

To find all files with sizes between 10 GB and 20 GB in the current directory, you can use the following command:

find . -size +10G -size -20G
Finding Files in a Size Range on Linux

Advanced File Search Patterns with `find`

You can refine your search by looking for a file with a “.conf” in its name, accessed precisely 10 days ago, and having a size of 10GB.

find . -atime 10 -size 10G -name "*.conf"

You have the capability to execute commands on located files, such as performing actions or extracting information.

find . -user vpsuser -name "testfile*" - exec  {} \;

like find . -user vpsuser -name "testfile*" -exec ls -l {} \;

Locating Files on Linux VPS

You can also perform a reverse search on patterns, yielding results that do not match specified criteria. For instance, within a given directory, this approach would retrieve items that fall outside the specified patterns.

Performing a reverse search on patterns to find items outside specified criteria in a given directory on your Linux VPS

find . -user vpsuser -name "testfile*" returns

Find command used to search files owned by 'vpsuser' with names starting with 'testfile'

find . -not -user vpsuser -name “testfile*” returns

Advanced File Search with find Command

So adding -not reverses the find pattern

In Summary

Now equipped with the basics, you can delve into the find manual for more advanced search patterns. Experiment with combining different patterns to enhance your file navigation skills. Keep in mind that if you can envision a more efficient way to locate a particular file, there’s likely a command or combination of commands to achieve it. Happy exploring!

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